De antwoorden op de meest gestelde vragen

Heeft u informatie nodig en kan u niet goed alles op onze website vinden? Geen probleem, we hebben hier voor U een lijst met de antwoorden voor veel gestelde vragen opgemaakt. Als U echter nog steeds niet vindt wat U zoekt, contacteer ons dan en we helpen U graag. verder. 


Can an additional tent be placed?

Yes, a small tent is allowed, but a small surcharge applies. 

Can we hire a fridge?

Yes, you can select this option to your reservation. There is a surcharge for hiring a fridge. 

How big are the pitches

The camping pitches are on average 100m2, some slightly bigger.

Can we book as a youth group?

During high season ( between July 15 and August 20) we cannot accept youth groups.


Can I bring my pet?

Your pet is very welcome. Please make sure your pet does not get on the bedding and we ask that your dog is kept on a leash. We request that your dog is sociable and does not cause a nuisance to other Chênefleur guests.


Can we hire a fridge?

Yes, you can select this option to your reservation. There is a surcharge for hiring a fridge. 


How big are the pitches

The camping pitches are on average 100m2, some slightly bigger.


Can we book as a youth group?

During high season ( between July 15 and August 20) we cannot accept youth groups.


Do you offer entertainment for children?

Only in high season.