35 km


  • Hotel de la Poste is an old hotel where Napoleon-III stayed on September 3rd 1870, after the defeat against de Prussians by the battle of Sedan. Shortly after, he and his army surrenderd. 
  • The centre of Bouillon is overlooking the large castle of Bouillon, situated in de facinity of the river Semois. The castle dates back to the 8th century. At the end of the 11th century ( Anno 1082) it was sold by Godfried of Bouillon to the Prins-Bischop of Liége  for 3 gold mark en 1300 Silvermark. With these moneys he financed his first crussade. 
  • The Museum Ducal
  • Some patrician houses in de cityare classed properties for protection
  • The St-Peter and Paul church 
  • The city hall